Tuesday, March 3, 2015

It Starts Tomorrow!

I can't believe I'll be on my way to Cape Town tomorrow! These couple of months since graduation have flown by, and I am so excited for this journey to begin!

The most difficult part of preparing to leave during this last week has been packing. Even though I'll have plenty of access to things I'll need while I'm there, I still found myself having a hard time eliminating things. I probably re-packed and switched suitcases about five times over the course of three days. With a lot of much-appreciated help from my mother, I was finally able to fit six months worth of things into two bags that are both under 50 lbs., which is the baggage weight limit on most airlines. Success!

My first flight leaves Wichita tomorrow afternoon around 3 p.m. I have a quick flight to Dallas, an overnight to London and then another overnight to Cape Town. That will be about 22 hours of flight time and 35 hours of total travel time including layovers in airports. I'm not exactly looking forward to that, but I'm hoping I'll find a way to get some sleep on the planes. (Based on past experience, that probably won't go so well. But one can hope, right?) 

I'll officially arrive in Cape Town on Friday at 10 a.m. local time. They're about 7 hours ahead of U.S. central time, so that will be about 3 a.m. here. 

I forgot to mention this in earlier posts, but this email address - emilyjuhnke@gmail.com - probably will be the best way to contact me while I'm there. 

I absolutely cannot wait to arrive and meet the people I'll be living and working with! Thank you all, again, for your prayers, support and encouragement. :)

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